SnAke Snk AIM CFG LEIS Snk PRO ORIGINAL R snakesnkaaimcfgleissnkaaimbotssnkprooriginalr These are the dragons of time, these are the snakes. These are the serpents on earth. These are the worms of cast-off skin. These are your cells, these are my cells, these are all our cells all still growing new eukaryotic bodies to replace those that have fallen away. All life is a fight against entropy. All life is a battle against chaos and corruption and towards higher things, towards divine hope that can only come from understanding what you really really want to be when you grow up. All life is a battle against the most primal of desires, a fight to keep your future from being your past. All life is a word, and that word is "no." These are the dragons of time, these are the snakes. These are the serpents on earth. These are the worms of cast-off skin. These are your cells, these are my cells, these are all our cells all still growing new eukaryotic bodies to replace those that have fallen away. All life is a fight against entropy. All life is a battle against chaos and corruption and towards higher things, towards divine hope that can only come from understanding what you really really want to be when you grow up. All life is a battle against the most primal of desires, a fight to keep your future from being your past. All life is a word, and that word is "no." These are the dragons of time, these are the serpents on earth. These are the worms of cast-off skin. These are your cells, these are my cells, these are all our cells all still growing new eukaryotic bodies to replace those that have fallen away. All life is a fight against entropy. All life is a battle against chaos and corruption and towards higher things, towards divine hope that can only come from understanding what you really really want to be when you grow up. All life is a battle against the most primal of desires, a fight to keep your future from being your past. All life is a word, and that word is "no." SnAke / Snake Snk snkserpentssnakesnakezszsnakezszsnakeseasz - - - - - http://myspace. com/sinasneaksnake - - SnAke / Snake Snk :::snkaaimcfgleis :::snkaaimbotssnkprooriginalr :::snkprooriginalr ::snakezsz :::devilsnakessanake ::devilsneakssnakes ::lucysneaksnake ::minimsneakssnake :::sinasneakssnakes :::inksnisneaikeiksnaiaimcfgleis ::inkniu - http://myspace.
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